Comprehensive knowledge & commitment...
Brendan Fitzsimons Managing Director of Fitz-Coatings Limited
"I am fortunate to have seen Tom deliver coating applicator courses in abrasive blast cleaning and spray painting. Tom has a comprehensive knowledge of the coatings industry and his training and delivery skills are excellent. The students get a trainer that is 100% committed to education and will ensure a transfer of skills during group or individual classroom and practical training."
Tremendous student feedback...
Lucy Pavia, Director, Corrodere Limited
"We have had tremendous student feedback from coating applicator where Tom has been a lead trainer.”
Highly informative coatings, blasting & inspection modules...
Alan Nesbitt | Retired Senior Operations Manager
"Fantastic news to see you are offering the highly informative coatings, blasting and inspection modules in Australia, I myself was in the surface preparation and coatings industry for 51 years, man and boy and made every mistake there was, I find it amazing that the new generation of personnel coming into the game have this wealth of knowledge at their fingertips and with IBCT help and assistance can save themselves and their prospective employers years of stress, I only wish It was available 50 years ago it would have saved me endless sleepless nights, I wish you every success in the future."